Saturday, December 02, 2006

Mind boggler

Why do, uh, confused guys have this unquestionable fondness for singers who belt it out like there's no tomorrow?

I mean singers like Mariah Carey, Regine Velasquez, Celine Dion (she's debatable, though) or anyone who practically screams when hitting the really high notes. In the elevator, when no one's around, I sometimes find myself humming to songs like "I don't wanna close my eyes... I don't wanna fall asleep coz I miss you babe and I don't wanna miss-a-the-eng!" In the shower, I go "Spread your wings fly, my... butterfy!" Of course, I do this a little silently that only I can hear my singing, but because of the stress that I put on my vocal chords, seriously man, I could expect to be growing goiter anytime soon.

I don't know, it's like an unwritten law decreed as an addendum to the 10 Commandments that if you're not straight, then thou shall treat Mariah or Regine as thy ultimate queen.

Of course, when I'm with straight friends I never admit that I actually like these kind of songs. Nevermind that I know all of Regine's songs, I'd never admit that I sing to her. I know some guys who adore her and these are people who are rumored to be hiding in the closet.

Sometimes I go the gym and guess who's in my Mp3 player?

I need not say.

1 comment:

moodswings said...

hmmm... yet another stereotype.

confused = show tunes. confused = divas. confused = good fashion sense.

maryosep! this just says you have the same bad taste in music. bwahahaha!

naughty me. =)